To: pound shop (Dominic Earl, Dominic Owen, Jessica Poudy, Charlie Bryan, Jordan Price, Kacy Williams, Geno Williams, Carl Ind, Rukiyah Khatun, Zuhaib Khan)
From: Jordan Flynn
CC: Mr G Coakley and Mr C Whymark
Date: 11/23/2010
Re: Avoiding the barriers to communicate
Dear all of Pound Shops staff within the Business,
There are a large numbers of errors that can occur within communicating as follows, I am going to be writing about how to avoid some of the things that cause bad communication, and how t avoid these barriers:
Spelling mistakes - is a very common problem that can happen; it makes it very hard for people to understand something when words are spelt wrong, to avoid it you must check spelling mistakes, or do a spell check on the computer.
Poor timing – poor timing is a very common one; when people communicate at the wrong times E.g. when they’re busy doing something, they need to find a suitable time to communicate. (Arrange it).
Use of Jargon – a use of language that people use when talking to friends etc, (slang words) it’s not a good way of communicating and not very formal.
Unclear message – when someone writes a message that is very hard to understand, could be from bad hand writing or other things, it is allot clearer to type it up.
Wrong target – it is essential knowing the right target audience to use the relevant communication strategy, so you must find out who your target audience is.
Wrong Format – Make sure you are using a suitable format for each file e.g. JPEG, it is also using the right way of sending a message. Eg. a letter, fax, telephone call, you must pick the correct way of sending a message across in order to avoid bad communication.
Technical breakdown – can be a problem if you lose internet signal on a computer if you’re sending an email, or your phone could also run out of battery etc. you need to make sure you have plenty of other ways of communicating incase technical problems occur.
Receiver unable to understand – in order to make the receiver understand the message clearly break it down and make it clear. E.g. bullet points, or if on the phone don’t give them too much information in too bigger detail.
Attitude towards sender – you should stay focused with eye contact to show that you’re listening properly so they know you’re not being distracted by anything else, and that you are focusing on them. You also need to be very polite, and very helpful.
Wrong channel – using the wrong channel in communication is most likely to lead to misunderstanding, and can cause mistrust in others. You need to make sure that you get across the message to them in the right channel. An example of this could be that you were supposed to send a message to the head teacher, but instead it got sent to the head office. This is an example of wrong channel.
No feedback – feedback is essential in communication to no weather they have understood the message you’re trying to get across, it is also very important as you will not no weather the whoever you have sent the message to agrees to the message or not. You must make sure you reply to messages, and give plenty of feedback to prevent a no feedback communication barrier.
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